
Showing posts with the label Strategy

Affiliate Program Marketing Strategy

The presentation lists down the Marketing Strategy of an Affiliate Program in terms of what is it exactly, why you should do it, why your affiliates should subscribe to the idea, what are various channels to promote it in today's world & what kind of affiliate profiles you should target!Check out this SlideShare Presentation and please email me at for any further information and/or details on this. Affiliate Program Marketing Strategy View more presentations from Ankur Sharma .

Is Talking same as Walking?

When established organizations enter into their competitive industry segment claiming that there is still a room for other players,why did their marketing defy their claims? So while the tag line of Tate DOCOMO says that you should "Do the New", Reliance GSM suggest you to "Go For it"; both trying to convince existing GSM subscribers to move away from their existing service providers. They don't realize that today's "smart" customer can see through the gap between what they preach and what they end up doing. Isn't it the time for organizations to walk their talk?